Friday, May 28, 2010

TIME IS RUNNING OUT (by Jerry Richardson)

Jerry Richardson
Regional Director - Africa
When you pick up a newspaper, listen to a radio commentary, or speak to Africans on the street, the subject that seems to come up is that of time.  Everyone is time conscious. It is recognized that time is truly short.  The church, as well, realizes that time is short because of the soon coming of our KING JESUS.  However, to many, time seems to be even shorter.  Political battles, genocides and the battles with diseases may mean that the end is nearer than one would expect.

In a recent report, I picked up some alarming statistics on the HIV/AIDS virus that is rampant in so many parts of Africa.  In the age group between 15 years and 49 years of age, Kenya reported 14 percent infected.  Further south, the figures worsen.  These include also Malawi with 16%, Mozambique 13%, Zambia 20%, and Zimbabwe with a whopping 25% of the population in this age group infected with this terrible disease.  Even South Africa has climbed to 20% and Botswana is all the way up to a 35.8%.  If these figures are only depicting the ages between 15 and 49, then the overall figures could rise even higher.  So many are destined to die lost without ever hearing of a Savior that can deliver.  We are racing time to see how many can be reached before it is too late.

The more than 700,000,000 people occupying sub-Saharan Africa are participating in many different religions.  Some are Muslims, some Christians, and some just follow the ancient ways of their ancestors.  How can they hear the truth?  Some 24 missionaries families are endeavoring to carry this message, but they are so few among so many.  With their tremendous dedication, they have affected entire nations, but even with that, time is running out for so many.

This is where I have to lift my hands in thanksgiving to God for what He has done.  He has spoken to the hearts of pastors and evangelists along with some church members across our fellowship to join the efforts in Africa.  The efforts of great men and women of God who have joined their efforts with the efforts of the missionaries and many national ministers will help bring us much further along in the task of reaching Africa for Jesus.  The shortness of TIME requires our best.  How could we stand before God if we have not awakened to the fact that time is short and have given our best effort to HIM by working together to reach AFRICA?

The number would grow into the thousands of how many people have been snatched from Satan’s grip this year because of these efforts.  Let us rejoice together!  The lost one has been found!  We must not allow one to be lost when it is within our power to make the difference.  I pray that others will step forward and say, “Let me also be a part of this great effort to evangelize AFRICA.”

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