Sunday, January 1, 2006

AFRICA'S MOMENT (by Jerry Richardson)

Jerry Richardson
Regional Director - Africa
The flames of revival fires are moving throughout the whole region.  From the North, South, East and West there are men and women who are saying yes to the truth.  New fields continue to open at a faster pace than we can possibly fill.  However, my vision is still that there are men and women who are willing to take up the struggle and make the needed sacrifices to see the mission accomplished.

The region of Africa with its 750,000,000 inhabitants remains a rich harvest field for today.  The investments of the United Pentecostal Church International in this area of the world continue to bring unprecedented returns.

Recently, we have seen renewed fervor in the Southern End of the continent as pastors and leaders gathered for a time of refreshing at the Because of the Times, Southern Africa.  That fresh empowering has already paid off with greater prayer, deeper dedications and soul consciousness.  Pastors declare revival fires burning like never before.

The first week of September 2005, we witnessed 975 people receiving the infilling of the Holy Ghost in a National Conference.  Many who had not yet been baptized in Jesus Name were baptized also during that meeting.

Let us enroll more missionaries, more AIMers and more A-Team participants from the home land to join in the efforts of this Great Harvest.  At the same time, men from Africa must be encouraged to leave their home lands and go to new countries and open churches in places where this message has never before been preached.  I see someone answering the call to go to the COMOROS.  Another must go to ANGOLA.  Someone must be sent to CONGO.   SUDAN’s doors are open and someone must go.  I could continue on with ERITREA, DJIBOUTI, ETHIOPIA and many more.  FRENCH AFRICA is wide open to receive the messenger of the Lord.  Can we hear the words from ISAIAH 6:8?
  1. “Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.”  - KJV

Please, join with us in the harvest.  Men and women to pray remains the greatest need of the hour.  Let’s add to that those who will go.  Others can commit to give and supply the resources needed to spread the truth through the region.  Each of us must feel the urgency of this open door moment for Africa’s Millions.